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Customizing Terminal with Guake, oh-my-zsh and screenFetch on Elementary OS Freya

As I stated previously that I am a great elementary OS fan and installed the latest beta of elementary OS titled “Freya” few days ago. Now, it’s time to customize it and making it ready as my primary development environment. The first thing I am going to customize is my terminal because I am not that much fan of the default bash terminal.

First, I am going to install Guake to change the appearance behavior of my terminal. I really liked the drop-down approach of Guake which helps me to work without any flaw with so many things within the workspace.  I can just press the “F12” key to toggle the visibility of my terminal after installing Guake. There are couple of others handy customization options available too.

So, let’s install Guake. First we may update our system by running the following command on the terminal:

Then run the following command to install Guake:

There may be some others dependencies that need to be installed. If needed, you may install those.

After installing Guake, you may run it from the terminal by just running “guake” on the terminal or from the Applications menu.

You can customize the preferences according to your need by right clicking on the Guake terminal and clicking on the Preferences option.

properties Preferences for Guake Terminal

To use it instead of your default Terminal, you will need to add it on the Startup Applications so that every time you run your system you can use Guake immediately by just pressing “F12”. You may also change it according to your need.

To add Guake on the Startup Applications, go to your “System Settings” and select “Applications“. Then click on the “Startup” tab. Click on the “+” icon placed at the bottom left of the screen and select “Guake Terminal” from there.

Add Guake Terminal on Startup

From now, every time you start your system, Guake will run automatically.

Next, I am going to install oh-my-zsh as I like it very much. But first, I need some other things to install first such as curl, git, vim and zsh.

To install them run the following:

Then we can use the automatic installer to install oh-my-zsh on our system easily.

After installation, we just need to set oh-my-zsh as the default terminal from our Guake terminal. To do that open the Preferences option and just set “/bin/zsh” as the default interpreter.

Re-start the terminal now. And we will be ready to go 🙂

oh-my-zsh terminal with guake

At last, I will add screenFetch to add some system/theme information in terminal. For elementary OS, run the following commands on terminal:

Thanks to memoryleakx for his screenFetch special version for elementary OS.

At last, we have to add the following line to the end of our .zshrc file:

Here’s the final look of my terminal:

guake, oh-my-zsh and screenfetch on freyaLet me know what you think of it!

Published in Coding


  1. Siddhesh Ambhire Siddhesh Ambhire

    Guake appearance didn’t change. It still uses the colors specified in settings>appearance. I want them to be exactly same as that of the terminal application, which is beautified by oh-my-zsh. Please help!

  2. Siddhesh Ambhire Siddhesh Ambhire

    Oh-my-zsh doesn’t work for guake properly. It doesn’t have the same colors as that of the terminal which by comparison are more beautiful. Is there a workaround to get it working in guake as well? Otherwise I’ll say goodbye to guake!

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